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How To Crack Your Back

How To Crack Your Back

Some people, every so often, get the urge to crack their back. And if you’re one of them, then it is likely that you are doing it in order to relieve pain or stiffness in your back muscles or spine.

As long as you don’t have any serious injuries or problems, then cracking your own back every now and then isn’t bad at all, and there are many ways of going about it! 

Basically, when you crack your own back, you are adjusting, moving, or manipulating the spine.

How To Crack Your Back

You don’t necessarily need to audibly crack your back for this adjustment to work and make you feel better, but the crack is one of the most satisfying bits.

In order to ensure that you crack your own back safely, and without having to get someone else to help you, we’re going to tell you about 10 effective stretches and ways of cracking one’s own back. 

Let’s get right into it! 

10 Methods for Cracking your Back

Here are our top 10 favorite methods for cracking your back. If done properly, all of these are safe, and should also be quite effective. Just remember that you shouldn’t be cracking your back too often! 

The back extension

This method is done while standing. Place one hand (in a closed fist) at the base of your spine, and wrap your other hand around it.

Then, use your hands to push up at the spine, while leaning back. The pressure of your hands should cause your back to crack.

The back of chair stretch

For this stretch, you’re going to have to sit in a chair that has a solid back, in which your shoulder blades go over the top. 

Start by interlacing your fingers behind your head (or simply extending the arms over the head). Then, lean back, and relax. Lean back a little more, and relax. Keep doing this until you lean back enough that your back cracks.

You can use different chairs with different heights until you find the one that works best for you. 

The chair twist

For this method, sit in a chair and position your right arm over to hold the left side of the chair. (Your left hand, meanwhile, should be resting by your left leg). 

Slowly, twist your upper body to the left, as far as it can go, while keeping the lower part of your body and your legs, completely fixed and facing forward.

You can try twisting one way and then the other, until your back cracks. 

The seated twist

Sit on the floor and extend your left leg out to the front, while your right leg stays bent (knee up). Make sure your back is straight. Then, place the right hand on the ground behind your hips, and your left elbow on the right knee.

Now you can turn over to look over your right shoulder, twisting and stretching your spine. You can switch over to the other side too.

The standing lumbar extension

While standing, place your palms on your back (or at the top of your butt), with your fingers pointing down. Use your hands to lift your spine up, and arch backward into the pressure.

Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds, while breathing deeply. Then move your hands up a little and arc back more. This should stretch out your back and spine.

The standing spinal rotation

From a standing position, extend your arms out. Then, turn your upper body to one side, while keeping your lower body and legs fixed facing forward.

Next, twist to the other side. Do this a couple of times until your back cracks. This is also especially good for stretching out your lower spine.

The standing spinal rotation

The supine foam roller stretch

Supine means to lie on your back, so that is how you should position yourself to start this method. You also need to place a foam roller under your shoulders, in a horizontal manner.

Once that is all in place, use your heels to help yourself roll up and down, over the roller, as it presses into your spine. This can help relieve a lot of pain and tension. Plus, you can roll as far up or as far down as you want. 

The supine shoulder blade stretch

Start by lying on your back, with both knees bent, and both arms extended up to the ceiling. Next, cross your arms over your chest, as far as you can go (kinda like a big hug).

Sit up a little, then go back to the floor. Repeat this movement a few times, it will stretch your upper back and spine.

The supine twist

Lie on your back, right leg straight and left leg bent. Next, place your left arm out to the side, turning your head in that same direction.

Twist your lower body to the right, stretching your back. You can repeat this on the other side too. Remember to breathe deep and slow, and take your time. 

The upward stretch

While standing, interlace your fingers behind your head. Stand up straighter, then arch backward, leaning your head into your hands.

Remain in that position for 10 to 20 seconds, breathing deeply. The force from your hands stopping your head while your back arches should help stretch the spine. 

When you should NOT crack your back

You should never crack your own back if you have any injuries, spine conditions, or severe pain. You should also not crack your back too often, as this could lead to injury and the worsening of pain. 

You should also always contact your doctor if you have any persistent forms of pain or discomfort in your back! 

Also, if you feel as though you need to crack your back multiple times a day, then cracking your back isn’t going to solve it, because there is a deeper problem! 

Final Thoughts

If you are in need to crack your back, and there’s nobody around to help you, you can use one of the ten methods that we listed. All of them are easy, safe, and effective.

Just remember that you should only ever be cracking your back when you feel a lot of stiffness or some pain, but never too often, and never when you have a serious injury or a big amount of pain or discomfort! 

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